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Tag Archives: business growth

How to plan effectively

Business plans can be useless. When I tell my clients this, I am usually met with bewilderment and confusion. I mean – isn’t planning the core of business coaching? Isn’t that what we do at GrowthCLUB? The process of creating the plan – and not…

How to be a good boss

Most business experts around the world will agree that the most successful workplaces are those with high employee satisfaction. One of the biggest impacts to an employee’s morale at work is their sentiment towards their leader. A workplace where people love working with the boss,…

Business coaching works

I have a business coach… in fact I have two! Until recently, admitting having a coach, outside of sports, was still viewed as a weakness. This is a mindset I’ve seen significantly change since – so much so that most business owners now acknowledge the…

The next Live Big Friday Finish is this Friday, 8th January at 3pm Join this week’s star speaker, Damian Browne, a former professional rugby union player turned extreme adventurer; who will share with you the mental skills, processes and strategies he uses to enable him…

Test and Measure

Why Test & Measure? If you don’t know where your customers come from, you’re really stabbing around in the dark. You have no real idea which marketing campaigns are working, how well your salespeople are doing or even how much each sale is ‘costing you’.…

Open mic

Jeremy talks about how No isn’t as final as it may first appear. At September’s BookCLUB we reviewed ‘To Sell Is Human’ by Daniel Pink. During the session we talked about what it means when a prospect says no and how to re engage old…

If your business has stagnated, started to decline, or you’re struggling to really drive the growth you’d like to see, then maybe you’ve got stuck in your comfort zone… This is a common situation that many business owners experience, typically having been in business around…

Business growth

Why is it that the failure rate of businesses in years 1-5 is pretty similar to the failure rate of businesses in years 6-10? Why is there no ‘experience dividend’? When you look at business growth in the context of business plans,  it’s hard to…

One of the most effective ways to improve your time management is to create and use a “Dream Diary”.  The majority of us struggle to make the best use of our time. We all have the same amount, yet some achieve a lot more than…

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