Essentially, there are six steps to you seeing massive results in your business. In this article we talk about the first step, Mastery and show you how you can achieve mastery and eliminate chaos in your business.

Money Mastery

Do you know your breakeven point per week? Similarly, do you know what day of the week you breakeven? Or mayby, how much profit do you want to make? What day of the week do you achieve it?

Finally, do you have a monthly / weekly forecast? Can you can keep track on a whiteboard so that the whole team know where you are?

Budgeting and reporting are key to money mastery, as result, we focus you on being able to have these answers.

Delivery Mastery

Are you delivering consistently? Maybe, maybe not! Consistency is the foundation for healthy growth. So, first off, ask your clients for feedback using a simple survey.

How many of the following statements can you agree with?

  1. Consistency is our primary customer focus
  2. We deliver what the customer needs
  3. We deliver what the customer wants
  4. We have defined customer service standards
  5. We consistently deliver in a way that exceeds our customers’ expectations
  6. We regularly survey our customers
  7. We analyse our mistakes and take steps to remedy them
  8. We have a standard for dress code
  9. We have a checklist for answering the phone

As a result of this typical inconsistency, we have documented flow charts and procedures to ensure every customer experience is the same.


Destination Mastery

Furthermore, have a clear picture of what your finished business looks like – this is your vision. Start with the end in mind. The path you take to achieve your vision is your mission. Your goals measure your progress along the way. Your culture is a definition of the type of people you want to work for you.

Another thought is to have a brainstorming session with the team. Ask yourselves what you would have to do in order for the business to fail tomorrow? Similarly, what is the opposite of that? Whatever the answer, then that’s your culture.

Hence, written goals are very powerful. Science proves that written goals are by far the most effective. You must revisit your goals on a regular basis.

Time Mastery

Finally time, categorise tasks according to urgency and importance. Ask yourself is this task important in relation to achieving my end goal? Although some things, such as the phone ringing, may seem urgent, they can often be a waste of time.

We hope you’ve found these tips on mastery to be helpful because in my next article I’ll be talking about Niche and what makes your business unique.

For more detailed information, why not attend one of our free seminars at Torrington Hall Hotel, St Albans or Click on the link below to reserve your place:

6 Steps to a Better Business – Complimentary Seminar

Above all else, make a difference by doing something different!